Life has seasons just like nature. A warrior doesn't see events as "good" or "bad," they just are. We attach ethics onto things. When at a high or low, stand your ground. When low, practice gratitude and patience. When high, practice gratitude, patience, and awareness. We tend to become drunk and blind with ecstacy when we're overly happy or something is going right. Maintain a sober mind and eyes whether hitting highs or lows in life, then we won't be taken by surprise by unexpected events.
With the chaos of nature and worldly matters, and the confusion of society's ever-growing complexity, do we not have enough to deal with aside from family and job issues? With most, time-is-money mentalities and the daily grind of rushing from work to home to store and back is routine. But that routine rush can build stress. Being a Modern Warrior of the Old Way, I wish to share my knowledge of warrior philosophy and the inner workings to create a positive, aware, and calm mindset.