One important principle to live by is gratitude. Many samurai of feudal Japan lived every day like it was their last, finding the greatest appreciation in the smallest things. They believed that there was beauty in every breath, because in that moment it meant you were alive. When I wake up every morning, I am extremely grateful to wake up alive; having all my fingers and toes, limbs, and all my senses. In an "attitude of gratitude," food tastes better and aromas smell stronger. Cherishing everything and everyone you have in life is important for a healthy mind and body, but it also helps get through the day easier. Next time you get the chance, take time to actually feel the breeze on your skin during a nice day, or listen to the sounds of nature: birds chirping or singing, wind rustling the leaves of a tree.
Many people will never truly feel what it is like to be grateful every single day. The warrior experiences it in battle; a law enforcement officer who survives a firefight on domestic soil or a soldier who lives through an ambush or IED(Improvised Explosive Device) in a third-world country. Through that close encounter does one truly know how it feels to be physically and psychologically grateful to be alive. We are not promised tomorrow. That is why we should live in gratitude and live by the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would like done unto you."
"If you can, help others; if you cannot do that, at least do not harm them."
-the Dalai Lama
With the chaos of nature and worldly matters, and the confusion of society's ever-growing complexity, do we not have enough to deal with aside from family and job issues? With most, time-is-money mentalities and the daily grind of rushing from work to home to store and back is routine. But that routine rush can build stress. Being a Modern Warrior of the Old Way, I wish to share my knowledge of warrior philosophy and the inner workings to create a positive, aware, and calm mindset.
Thanks for stopping by. Gratitude has changed my life, adding a joy and depth never before possible.