- Loyalty
- Duty
- Respect
- Selfless Service
- Honor
- Integrity
- Personal Courage
- Loyalty
- Benevolence
- Respect
- Honesty
- Honor
- Rectitude
- Courage
With the chaos of nature and worldly matters, and the confusion of society's ever-growing complexity, do we not have enough to deal with aside from family and job issues? With most, time-is-money mentalities and the daily grind of rushing from work to home to store and back is routine. But that routine rush can build stress. Being a Modern Warrior of the Old Way, I wish to share my knowledge of warrior philosophy and the inner workings to create a positive, aware, and calm mindset.
When we, as human beings, are met with certain situations we get goosebumps and our gut feeling, our intuition, lets us know how our minds feel about the situation at hand. It can be a street we feel edgy about walking through, or a place we enjoy so much it lightens our mood. That gut feeling is instinct, and our instinct can be either a bad vibe or a good feeling. Perhaps one day you meet a person and just by shaking their hand or talking with them for a moment you feel comfortable and possibly even cheerful by their presence. Granted, it may be so because you are having a nice day, but that is not always the case. That person can be emitting a good vibe that you walked into and are now a part of. Or is it you who created the vibe because your mind or body told you that this person is not a threat, or they have good intentions toward you upon a first impression?
Vibes can be felt in a specific atmosphere or with a group of certain people, like your intuition when you feel a certain area of town is not too safe or when a person's energy feels "off" and you get a bad vibe from them. You don’t see them but they are there. You feel them. Perception of an atmosphere and energy that a person perceives from another is sometimes referred to as an aura. You can feel or sense a person’s aura when they walk by or look you in the eyes, or when two individuals conduct intimacy (energy given off with actions like touching, hugging, and kissing are originally stronger than usual). Again, we don’t see these energies, these auras, but we feel them. They are all around us.
So next time you travel outside your front door, try to concentrate on the energies around you, feel the vibrations of the person sitting next to you on a subway, standing near you in a bookstore or standing in front of you in line at a supermarket. Sense the energy from a place in which you feel nostalgic. You can’t see it but you never thought about it before. Now do you feel it?
Referring back to intuition, it is defined as a “direct perception of truth, fact, etc., independent of any reasoning process; immediate apprehension.” What if that is what enlightenment feels like, or how the Creator wanted us to live originally?